Use 17hats to Stay Productive Even When You’re Sick

So, I’m sick. Yuck.

As an independent practitioner — in other words, someone who does all the work herself — being sick is especially tricky. It can quickly derail even the most organized plans and systems. But it doesn’t have to, if you have 17hats.

Yes, I know that I need to rest and let my body recover. Knowing that 17hats is working for me is helping me to worry less about my business precisely so I CAN relax. (At least a little bit. I’m a lifelong worrier, and I still haven’t figured out entirely how to let go of that exhausting habit.)

So, what is 17hats, anyway?

17hats is an all-in-one solution for small business owners. It makes things that are important but that can be tedious, like sending invoices and scheduling appointments, so much easier. It’s also very affordable.

I am a 17hats ambassador because I believe wholeheartedly in this platform. I’m also a lifetime member. I use 17hats every day to manage the business of my business.

What I didn’t really appreciate until I got sick, though, was just how elegantly 17hats will continue working for you when you need a break. So you can stay on top of things in your business and stay productive even when you need to slow down.

Just this morning, I received a notification on my phone that someone had booked an interview with me for an article I’m writing. I had emailed this person a few days ago with a link to my online scheduling calendar — which you can set up easily in 17hats. Today, she used the link to schedule an interview via Zoom, and 17hats let me know right away. 17hats also sent her an email letting her know that I was checking my schedule to confirm the appointment.

On my end, it was very simple for me to log in to 17hats using my phone while lounging on my sofa. I just clicked a button to confirm the appointment, and 17hats sent her an email to confirm the date and time and provide the Zoom link. And the day before the appointment, I can rest easy knowing that 17hats will automatically send her a cheerful email to remind her that our appointment is coming up.

None of this happened magically, of course. I did have to spend a few minutes setting up my online scheduling, noting my availability and creating emails that I want to send to people who use my online calendar to set up appointments. 17hats provides examples you can follow and also has robust help files and friendly customer service if you get stuck.

By the way, also whiling using my phone from my couch, I updated my online scheduling calendar to delete appointments for the rest of this week since I’m not feeling my best. Because I do really need to take a break and get better.

Sign up for 17hats and 17hats Boot Camp

Are you a small business owner who could use help staying on top of your business? You can get special invitation-only pricing at this link or by clicking the button above.

And while you’re signing up, do consider registering for 17hats Boot Camp on Jan. 31-Feb. 2. I participated last year, and it was a great way to learn about the ins and outs of 17hats. I’m going to take it again this year to further refine my processes and workflows.

And now, back to lounging on the couch while 17hats keeps on working for me.

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